Terms and Privacy Policy

V-KOOL Saudi Arabia

We are happy to visit the V-KOOL store and website. This policy is to preserve your privacy and protect information and prevent it from being smuggled outside the scope of websites, applications or social media platforms owned by V-KOOL Saudi Arabia, under the name of Mohammed bin Nasser Al-Ajaji Foundation.


About Us

V-KOOL is a global company specialized in thermal insulation films for cars and buildings, paint protection films and several other services, with more than 25 years of experience in Saudi Arabia.


Data and Privacy Policy


When you visit our sites, our servers collect and store certain information provided by your web browser, including:


Privacy Policy

Device name, address, mobile number and region, as well as the date and times of visits, and the pages visited and browsed, in order to analyze and develop visitor interaction and accelerate the process of continuous improvement of sites and pages, and to improve the user experience, and we also collect personal information to initiate communication with you by phone or through the establishment's sales windows.


Other web links

If third-party links are selected from social networking programs or files displaying services or products, your activity may be shared with them, according to your privacy settings, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices of these sites or links (third parties).


Personal information

By providing your personal information, or when requesting or booking services, requesting communication or submitting a quote, you agree to receive communication, updates or promotional offers, about our products and services.


Data protection

We are committed to protecting the personal information you share with us. We work to implement security measures to protect information from unwanted access.


Acceptance of Privacy Policy

When using our sites, you agree to use your personal information as described above. We have the right to modify or update this policy at any time.


Contact Us

For inquiries about any questions about the privacy policy, please contact us:

Email: info@v-kool.com.sa

Unified phone number: 920000081